Registered Office Change

Change of registered office in the same ROC jurisdiction.


Change Of Registered Office

A company or LLP's registered office is the primary place of business for a private/public limited company and all official Corporate Ministry correspondence is sent to that location. For multiple purposes, a change in the registered company office address can be needed. First Hand Holding can assist you in all three situations to modify the registered office, speak with our business advisors today.

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How we help with Registered Office Change?

KK StartUP India can assist your business file ESI return and make ESI payments on time.

  • Advisory: The process of altering a company's Registered Office relies on the nature of the change. Our specialists will suggest the appropriate procedure for you.
  • Board Resolutions: When you understand the processes engaged in switching your company's Registered Office, our specialists will draft the required procedural Resolutions.
  • Filing: Once the Board Resolutions are passed, our Experts will prepare and file the necessary documents with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs to register the change of address of the Registered Office.
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